Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH Apps

IBS Diary 1.5
The IBS Diary is designed to provide you witha simple tool to log your daily diet, stress and IBS symptoms,helping you to identify possible triggers for your IBS symptomsover time. You can also email the data recorded in the app to youat any stage.
Silometer Husten-Tester 1.0
Mobiler Gratis-Hustentest rund um die Uhr mitder Silometer-AppWer Husten hat, will ihn so schnell wie möglich wiederloswerden. Aber: Husten ist nicht gleich Husten! Je nach Art –trocken oder produktiv – muss er unterschiedlich behandelt werden.Ab sofort gibt es mobile Hilfestellung per Smartphone: Mit derneuen Silometer-App können Betroffene rund um die Uhr einen erstenHinweis zur Unterscheidung ihres Hustens bekommen.So einfach funktioniert das Silometer:Der Hustengeplagte muss nur mehrmals in das Mikrofon seinesSmartphones husten, danach analysiert die speziell programmierteSoftware die Hustengeräuche und gibt eine erste Einschätzung, ob essich eher um einen trockenen Reizhusten oder eher um einenproduktiven Husten handeln könnte. Die Diagnose durch den Arzt oderdie Beratung in der Apotheke kann das Silometer Testergebnisselbstverständlich nicht ersetzen. Nur Arzt und Apotheker alleinkönnen den Husten zuverlässig zuordnen und behandeln.Mission des Silometers: Husten-AufklärungWie eine aktuelle forsa-Umfrage im Auftrag von BoehringerIngelheim zeigt, ist der Aufklärungsbedarf in Sachen Husten groß:Fast 60% der 1.000 Befragten kennen den Unterschied zwischentrockenem und produktivem Husten nicht. Aber genau das ist wichtig:Während bei einem trockenen Reizhusten ein Hustenstiller fürschnelle Ruhe sorgt, ist bei einem produktiven Husten einHustenlöser zu empfehlen.Wie bereits schon die erfolgreiche Silometer Hotline, wurde auchdie Silometer App vom Fraunhofer-Institut für DigitaleMedientechnologie IDMT im Auftrag von Boehringer Ingelheimentwickelt. Die App trägt nun zusammen mit der Silometer Hotlinedazu bei, dass immer mehr Menschen für die unterschiedlichenHustenarten sensibilisiert werden.Mobile Free cough testaround the clock with the Silometer AppWho has a cough, wants to get rid of him as soon as possible.But coughing is not equal to cough! Depending on the type - dry orproductive - it needs to be treated differently. As of now there ismobile support for smartphones: With the new Silometer Appsufferers can work around the clock to get a first indication todistinguish their cough.So easy: the Silometer:The cough sufferers just need to repeatedly cough into themicrophone of its smartphones, followed by the specially programmedsoftware analyzes the Hustengeräuche and gives a first assessmentof whether it might be more of a dry cough or rather a productivecough. The diagnosis by the doctor or the advice in the pharmacycan of course not replace the Silometer test result. Only doctorsand pharmacists alone can assign and treat the cough reliable.Mission of Silometers: Cough EnlightenmentAs a recent Forsa survey commissioned by Boehringer Ingelheimshows the need for education in terms of cough is great: Almost 60%of 1,000 respondents know the difference between dry and productivecough not. But that's what is important: while a dry cough, a coughsuppressant ensures quick rest, with a productive cough, a coughmedicine is recommended.As has been already successfully Silometer hotline, the Silometerapp has been developed by the Fraunhofer Institute for DigitalMedia Technology IDMT behalf of Boehringer Ingelheim. The app nowcarries together with the Silometer hotline to the fact that moreand more people are made aware of the different types of cough.
Resting Respiratory Rate 1.0.0-UAT13-1
This app allows the user to count and recordresting respiratory rate for a number of different pets and thenfacilitates transfer of the information to the pets veterinarian. Auser may also elect to post the result on their facebook page ortwitter.
IPF Challenge 1.0.2
With the IPF Sound Challenge app pulmonologists can you diagnoseear training.
Fréquence respiratoire 1.0.0-UAT11-1
This app allows the user to count and recordresting respiratory rate for a number of different pets and thenfacilitates transfer of the information to the pets veterinarian. Auser may also select to post the result on their facebook page ortwitter.This app Allows the userto count and record resting respiratory rate for a number ofdifferent pets and Then Facilitates transfer of the information tothe pets veterinarian. A user May Also select to post the result onTheir facebook page twitter gold.
Nutrition in the Fast Lane 1.29
This application gives you nutrition facts onmore than 1,000 menu items offered by 26 of the most popularnational fast-food and casual dining chains.
Deu nó 1.1
Deu Nó é um jogo, que desafia as pessoas a desatar os nós na regiãoabdominal. Para fazer isso, basta memorizar a sequência de sonsemitida e, em seguida, repeti-la tocando os nós que estão noabdómen. A dificuldade aumenta a cada nível. Mas não se preocupe:se ficar muito difícil, você sempre pode usar um comprimidoBuscopan para aliviar o desconforto! • Ganhe pontos por cada nódesfeito e entre para o ranking • Conecte-se ao Facebook paradeixar a experiência mais social • Convide os seus amigos ecompartilhe sua pontuação • Envie e peça comprimidos de BuscopanNão fique de fora!
BVDZero Memory 1.0
Play at the BVDZero Memory game. Keepyourbrain in shape! Find pairs of images under thefollowingcards.
Epilepsia Idiopática Canina 0.0.1
Esta aplicación permite al usuarioregistrarlos ataques de epilepsia de su mascota para uno o variosanimalesdomésticos, así como programar la pauta de medicaciónindicada porel veterinario. Además facilita la transferencia delhistórico deataques al veterinario.This applicationallowsthe user to record seizures of your pet for one or more pets,andset the pattern of medication prescribed by the veterinarian.Italso facilitates the transfer of historicalattacksveterinarian.
Ubrostar 1.0
App that calculates the time of withdrawalofmilk from a cow that has been treated with Ubrostar duringthedrying time. The calculator takes into account the exact momentthedrying began until delivery. It calculates the time remainingtoeliminate milked milk from birth and so respect the Ubrostarlegalwithdrawal time (according to the product’stechnicalspecifications sheet).
The improved version specifies thetime ofday when milking is performed. There are typically twomilkings perday (in some farms up to three). The calculator showswhether thesuppression period (withdrawal) is in the morning, orafternoon, toprevent the milked milk from showing positive to theantibiotic inthe collection tank.

Epidog 1.0.0
Ihr Hund leidet an Epilepsie? Diese App hilft Ihnen, Tagebuch überdie epileptischen Anfälle zu führen und Ihren behandelnden Tierarztgenau zu informieren. Das erforderliche Paßwort erhalten Sie vonIhrem Tierarzt.
ExpressoBI 1.0.1
ExpressoBI es el boletín electrónico exclusivo para colaboradoresde Boehringer Ingelheim mediante el cual, como parte de laComunidad BI, te mantendrás al tanto de todo lo que sucede ennuestra empresa. Usa tu perfil y encuentra rápidamente lainformación que necesitas en cada una de nuestras secciones, ademásrecibe notificaciones personalizadas sobre los contenidos que máste interesan. Crea noticias para informar a tus compañeros lasacciones que se llevan a cabo en tu área. Comparte notas, escribe yconoce Anuncios Clasificados de la Comunidad BI México. Participa,gana y sé parte de la tripulación de Expresso BI, tu vuelo directoa la información.
COPD Congress 1.8.0
The COPD Congress app allows users to explore COPD-related contentfrom large respiratory congresses via webcasts and congressreports, gain knowledge and insight through eLearning tutorials andwebinars developed with world-leading pulmonologists, and viewupcoming COPD congresses from around the world – all within oneeasy-to-navigate platform. The COPD Congress app brings manyaspects of COPD care and management together in one place and aimsto keep physicians up-to-date with the latest scientificinformation available on COPD.
Prontuario BI 1.4.3
La App Prontuario è dedicata ad i medici veterinari e contienel’elenco completo di tutti i farmaciveterinari di BoehringerIngelheim Italia s.p.a. suddivisi per categorie. Lo scopo della appè fornire uno strumento di consultazione rapido e completo. La appconsente di effettuare ricerche avanzate, di creare una lista difarmaci “preferiti”, di creare delle note associate ad unospecifico farmaco e di condividere il contenuto di un farmaco viamail.
Let's Talk Diary 1.2
LetsTalkDiary provides you with a simpletoolto track your daily diet and constipation symptoms, helping youtoidentify possible triggers for your symptoms over time.LetsTalkDiary features a 28 Day Challenge, you are encouragedtomake slight adjustments to your diet and lifestyle to see howthisaffects your constipation symptoms over a 28 day period and youcanalso email the data/reports recorded in the app to you atanystage.If symptoms persist, please see your doctor or healthcareprofessional.
Vetmedica App 1.6.18
Pferd, Rind, Schwein, Hund oder Katze – wählen Sie Ihr Tier aus underhalten Sie Zugriff auf spezifische News. Sie haben Fragen zueiner Krankheit? Über die App können unsere kostenlosenInfomaterialien einfach und schnell angefordert werden. Einweiteres Highlight: Das Cushing-Tagebuch für Pferde. Erfassen Siedie Therapie Ihres Pferdes, inklusive selbsterstellter Erinnerungenfür die Tablettengabe und Tierarzttermine. Außerdem haben Sie dieMöglichkeit erfasste Daten zum Krankheitsverlauf direkt aus der Appan Ihren Tierarzt zu versenden.
Cough Index Calculator (Boehri 2.0.8
Cough Index is a tool that evaluate respiratory disease symptoms ingroving pigs
Kardia Smartphone 2
Kardia es una herramienta para la educación médico-paciente. Cuentacon dos secciones: la primera, la anatomía, es una descripcióngeneral del aparato circulatorio, el corazón, los vasos sanguíneosy el endotelio. La segunda, la patología, ilustra y describe lahipertensión arterial y las patologías asociadas como la enfermedadcerebrovascular, la afección por la hipertensión, el infarto agudode miocardio, la enfermedad renal crónica y el daño endotelial,relacionado con la hipertensión. Material exclusivo para elprofesional de la salud. Para ser utilizado exclusivamente en losEstados Unidos Mexicanos. El material ha sido auspiciado porBoehringer Ingelheim México.
Heart2Heart Canine RRR App 1.1.0
This app allows the user to count andrecordresting respiratory rate for a number of different pets andthenfacilitates transfer of the information to the petsveterinarian. Auser may also select to post the result on theirfacebook page ortwitter.Veterinary, Vet, dog, pet, heart, animal de compagnie,Dyrets,Dyrlægens, Hundens, mascota, わんちゃんの名前
BECAL (Boehringer Ingeheim) 1.0.4
BECAL (The Boehringer Ingelheim Economic Calculator) was created incollaboration with industry experts to provide a convenient toolfor the economic analysis of health interventions in swine farms.BECALsow looks at health interventions in the sow herd and BECALpiglooks at the effect of vaccinations of pigs from weaning toslaughter. In both cases the tool evaluates preventative healthmeasures by easily calculating the return of investment based onproduction data.
BI News 1.7.0
The BI News app allows all Boehringer Ingelheim employeesgloballyto read BI news from Germany and other regions in GermanandEnglish. News channels can be subscribed to and are listed inthepersonalized news listing. News can be filtered by channel.Withthe implemented search function articles can be searched.Pushnotification can be activated to make sure not to missanyimportant news.
Our FOCUS Game 1.1
Show your AAI behavior and achieve Ambition 2025! Be Accountableanddo not let any Our FOCUS items fall off-screen, be Agile anddecidequickly which items must be collected – and consider takingsmartrisks in order to gain extra points, be an Intrapreneur andifnecessary trade in points for another chance to reach your goal.BeAAI with these simple actions and recognize that AAI behaviorcan bedemonstrated even in small everyday decisions. Swipe all OurFOCUSitems to collect your points but be sure to watch out for allotheritems on screen. Collecting more than one item at a timegives youextra points. Use all three chances to achieve Ambition2025.Experience Our FOCUS in a completely new way: Challengeyourself,polish your skills and beat your own high score to becomea real AAIchampion. Please note: The game is intended to be playedin sparetime, outside working hours and during breaks. The app canbe usedexternally and internally.
BI Prevention Works Toolbox 1.1
Prevention Works Toolbox Swine health information and toolsfocusedon prevention at your fingertips. Prevention Works-Shapingthefuture of Swine Health The Prevention Works Toolbox deliversaccessto tools designed to support disease prevention decisions onthefarm. Applications, mini-tools, recent publications, The RealPigHandbook and videos provide you with answers to dailyquestionsrelated to management of swine diseases. Features: Combat,CoughIndex and BECAL applications Minitools to calculate productionandmanagement parameters for routine use (Farrowing datecalculator,Gilt requirements and production results Publicationsrelated toprecision agriculture, disease prevention and solutionsThe RealPig Handbook Videos
Boehringer Ingelheim: MyShop 1.1.0
With the Boehringer Ingelheim MyShop App you get access to a lotofhelpful self-service features in terms of requestfulfillment,incident and knowledge management: Request Fulfillment• Getoverview on open requests and their status. • Possibility toact onMyShop approval tasks. Incident Management • Create newincidentticket • Get overview on open tickets and their status•Possibility to add notes to open tickets • Get informationaboutyour assigned support contact. Knowledge Management • SearchforFAQs in the Knowledge Base To use the app, an online connectionismandatory.
3D Joints Tool 1.8
The 3D Joints Tool was developed for vets to use in theirpracticesand in referral centers in order to support clients whosepets havebeen diagnosed with common joint diseases. The tool letsthe userinteract with anatomical structures in dogs, enabling themto lookin detail at healthy joints, as well as some of the mostcommonjoint pathologies, including 360-degree rotation, flexion,andextension. Users can also zoom into high-definition imagesandthere is an option for adding or removing anatomical structuressothat the relevant area of the joint can be effectivelyvisualized.The 3D Joints Tool comprises four sections: The 3D JointImageViewer: This is the main section of the tool, where theuserinteracts with the anatomical models of the joints, andwhichallows them to access realistic 360-degree screenshots.DiseaseInformation Sheets: You can generate your own personalizeddiseaseinformation documents for your clients which can be sharedindifferent formats, making each visit comprehensive andunique.Disease information List: Vets can easily store and revieweachpatient’s personalized disease information and treatmentsheets.Document Library: Technical information is provided for vetsaswell as pet owners, and is available in different formats suchasdisease “Fact sheets”. The 3D Joints tool is an applicationwithmany innovative benefits, helping to differentiate your brandandto increase the value of your clinical services.
BIConnect 1.0.2
BIconnect es una aplicación de mensajería de texto simple, rápidaysegura disponible para teléfonos inteligentes de uso exclusivaparacolaboradores de Boehringer Ingelheim México-ZADO. Es laplataformaideal para compartir mensajes de texto y archivosmultimedia contus colegas. Chat de grupo: Mensajea con tus colegasenconversaciones de grupo para facilitar la comunicación.ConBIconnect no hay necesidad de abrir y cerrar sesión ya quemantienela sesión activa para que no pierdas tus mensajes. Aún sipierdesuna notificación o apagas tu dispositivo, BIconnect guardarálosmensajes hasta la próxima vez que utilices la aplicación.BIconnectes una aplicación de mensajería de texto simple, rápida yseguradisponible para teléfonos inteligentes de uso exclusivaparacolaboradores de Boehringer Ingelheim México. Es laplataformaideal para compartir mensajes de texto y archivosmultimedia contus colegas. Chat de grupo: Mensajea con tus colegasenconversaciones de grupo para facilitar la comunicación.ConBIconnect no hay necesidad de abrir y cerrar sesión ya quemantienela sesión activa para que no pierdas tus mensajes. Aún sipierdesuna notificación o apagas tu dispositivo, BIconnect guardarálosmensajes hasta la próxima vez que utilices la aplicación.
Boehringer Onboarding 1.1
At Boehringer Ingelheim, we have created a globalonboardingbrochure that can be viewed by any new or future employeebeforethey start the first day of their journey with us. Guided byanavatar, relax and enjoy an interactive experience whilelearningabout Boehringer’s proud history and culture, our corebusinessesand values, and learn what Our FOCUS means to us. See howhaving adiverse and inclusive environment helps to drive ourinnovation,our Digital Workplace and so much more. Welcome toBoehringerIngelheim and we look forward to seeing you soon.
Vetmedin AR Experience 1.1
This augmented reality application from Boehringer Ingelheimisintended for UK veterinary professionals.
Goat Health
Taking good care of your goats
Actilyse Dosage Calculator 1.0
From Boehringer Ingelheim Middle East & North Africa(ScientificOffice) FZ-LLC. The Actilyse Dosage Calculator is aneducationaltool for an early stroke assessment and informationrelevant to thedosage and administration of Actilyse. By usingthis application youwill be able: • To assess stroke probabilityby using the CincinnatiStroke Scale • To assess stroke severity byusing the NIHSS scaleand the Modified Rankin Scale • To calculatethe correct Actilysedose based on patient weight • To assess theinclusion/exclusioncriteria for Actilyse administration • Step bystep instructions andvideo on how to prepare and administerActilyse • To understand the“Golden Hour” time goals for treatingthe acute ischaemic strokepatient • To view the locally approvedActilyse summary of productcharacteristics In line with the MiddleEast Code of PharmaceuticalPractices, this application is forNEMEA Health Care Professionalsonly and requires a passcode toactivate. Please contact yourBoehringer Ingelheim NEMEArepresentatives if you require apasscode. Boehringer Ingelheimwill not collect personal informationabout you and your patientwhen you use the Actilyse DosageCalculator application.
Nutraxin 1.2
A scale is ideal for determining and controlling the weight ofahorse. Without scales, the body weight of the horse canbeapproximately determined with a special weight measuring tape.TheNutraxin app shows you how to properly measure your horse'sweight,and also provides the ability to track the weight over alongerperiod of time. Additional highlights: Scan the Nutraxin packusingthe app and experience augmented reality on yoursmartphone.Determine your horse's body condition score and judgeitsnutritional status.
MY ACT FAST Stroke Calculator 1.2
From Boehringer Ingelheim Middle East & North Africa(ScientificOffice) FZ-LLC. The Actilyse Dosage Calculator is aneducationaltool for an early stroke assessment and informationrelevant to thedosage and administration of Actilyse. By usingthis application youwill be able: • To assess stroke probabilityby using the CincinnatiStroke Scale • To assess stroke severity byusing the NIHSS scaleand the Modified Rankin Scale • To calculatethe correct Actilysedose based on patient weight • To assess theinclusion/exclusioncriteria for Actilyse administration • Step bystep instructions andvideo on how to prepare and administerActilyse • To understand the“Golden Hour” time goals for treatingthe acute ischaemic strokepatient • To view the locally approvedActilyse summary of productcharacteristics In line with the MiddleEast Code of PharmaceuticalPractices, this application is forNEMEA Health Care Professionalsonly and requires a passcode toactivate. Please contact yourBoehringer Ingelheim NEMEArepresentatives if you require apasscode. Boehringer Ingelheimwill not collect personal informationabout you and your patientwhen you use the Actilyse DosageCalculator application.
Heart2Heart Canine RRR 1.2
To count and record resting respiratory rate for a number ofdifferent pets
Santéquine V2
Santéquine: a unique health e-book for the whole team!
BI Saúde em Dia 1.0
O aplicativo Sáude em Dia torna mais fácil e ágil omonitoramentocaso você tenha sintomas de uma infecção. O aplicativoécompletamente anônimo, segue a LGPD e garante a proteção dedados.É fácil de usar, o preenchimento leva pouco tempo e nãonecessitade conhecimento médico. Para o uso diário, os valores dodiaanterior já são providenciados, para agilizar o processo. TheSaúdeem Dia app makes it quick and easy to monitor whether youhavesymptoms of an infection. The Saúde em Dia app iscompletelyanonymous and complies with all the provisions of theLGPD andguarantees data protection. It is very easy to use, takesup littletime and does not require any medical knowledge. Foreachmeasurement the values of the previous one are already providedsothat they only have to be updated if changes occur.
BIPE 1.46
Angels Stopwatch 1.0.332
The Stroke Stopwatch app is developed as a digital stop watchthatallows Stroke teams to monitor their Door to Therapy time withtheaim of improving their time to treatment. With every 15minutessaved in symptom-to-treatment time outcomes for stokepatients havebeen shown to improve significantly. You can recordeach of yourprocedures’ times, and access a detailed history screenlisting outyour previous logs and overall performance. You can alsochallengeyourself by changing your target time which will updatethe visualcolouring of the status bar as you get closer to yourtarget. Youcan also achieve badges/levels based on how well youperform, sothat you can keep reaching for the shortest timepossible! Featuresand functionality · Timer · CT Scan log · Bloodtest time log ·Groin time log · Needle time log · Update targettime option ·Update Door-to-Needle time if timer was not initiallystarted atthe door · Questions to better qualify each procedure ·Historyreview of your past logs · Share data collected with RESQRegistry· Information about each individual log · Summary of youroverallperformance including standard deviation
Rad Rounds - UIP to IPF 2.6
Rad Rounds-UIP to IPF: Educational app to assist with patternrecognition of UIP
MerialEva3p 1.2.7
App designed to strengthen the practitioner in his reasoning onparasite control
First Aid For Pets 3.0.0
Valuable first aid advice that could save your pet's life in anemergency.
Inhaladores 2.7.0
Full vademecum of inhalation therapy.
Selenta Select 0.0.5
Selenta select is an app designed to improve reproductivemanagementplanning on cattle farms. With Selenta select, it ispossible tocreate, using the data input by the prescribingveterinarypractitioner, appropriate hormone protocols to achieveoptimalreproductive results. Veterinary practitioners will be ableto sendthe protocols by email to their clients or to print them tohandthem out personally. Selenta select includes hormonalmanagementprotocols adapted to dairy cows, beef cows (Bos indicusand Bostaurus) and heifers. It is thus very intuitive to create acalendarthat will enable the farmer to follow the steps to be abletoperform fixed-time artificial insemination when needed.Theapplication also includes a description of the each ofthesuggested protocols and a daily, weekly or monthly view ofthecalendar.
COMBAT (Boehringer Ingelheim)
Successful PRRS control Incorporates measures to reduce existingand new virus
My Pet´s Heart2Heart 7.58
Record your pet's resting resp rate to help monitor early signs ofheart failure
Vetmedin 3D Cardio
Enjoy 3D animation of a dog's heart with all phsiological details
Images of ILD 1.0
Images of ILD is a unique tool for training your CT skills based onreal images.
ePatCare® is a unique interactive software tool.
Boehringer Ingelheim VIRTUAL
Boehringer Ingelheim VIRTUAL provides all-round service forvirtualevents
Albero Decisionale
The App Decision Tree is dedicated to veterinarians
CardioPocket 3D
Intended for veterinarians to explain effectsofValvularDegenerative Disease